Peddose is an iapp version of the eanm paediatric dosage card. it is intended as a guid...
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Peekaboo Barn
Open up the world- famous peekaboo barn, perfect for toddlers. inside the little bounci...
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Peekaboo Fridge™
From the makers of peekaboo barn comes the freshest and healthiest pop- up party! whos ...
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Peekaboo Ocean HD Lite
Who s that hiding beneath the waves . . a fun educational introduction to sea creatu...
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Polski na wynos
Polski na wynos is a magazine, designed for tablet users learning the polish language. ...
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Periodic Table+ (Lite)
Periodic table is universal interactive periodic table with advanced filtering of eleme...
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Sevgili peygamberimiz hz. muhammed s. a. v in hayat hakk nda detayl bilgiler i eren uyg...
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Phonetics Focus
Winner of the english- speaking union president s award 2011 british council elton inn...
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Phonics and Reading With McGuffey I
Это работает! перед вами полная учебная программа по фонетике и чтению для начинающих. ...
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Phonics Awareness, 1st Grade
Phonics awareness is a comprehensive, low cost educational app based on the pre- readin...
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Phonics Vowels - Short Vowels, Long Vowels, Two Vowels
Learn phonics vowel sounds, and letter combinations with this fun kids game. knowing vo...
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фортепианные аккорды про
Приложение- симулятор фортепиано с интерактивными упражнениями, чтобы быстро выучить га...
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Найди совпадения "Фотографии"!
Бесплатное предложение ограничено по времени, загружайте это приложение прямо сейчас! ф...
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Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane Lite (PAR)
Over 6 different topics to choose from full version has 17 different topics . 60 test ...
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Plant Histology Lite
The plant histology app features images from carolina s best microscope slides to highl...
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PlayAlong Flute
- playalong flute listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody o...
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PlayAlong Trombone
- playalong trombone listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melod...
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PlayAlong Trumpet
- playalong trumpet listens as you play your instrument, guiding you through the melody...
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Pocket Art Lab
Special space edition! create a card and send a wish! now, children can independently m...
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Polynom MathSolver
Get step- by- step solutions for your math exercises! free for limited time to help you...
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PopMath Original
Popmath is a fun way for kids to practice basic maths. six pairs of bubbles with number...
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POPOYA Korean Animal FlashCards
Popoyas flashcards korean animal is an entertaining educational application for childre...
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Portal to the Universe
Access a universe of knowledge about the universe with the portal to the universe app! ...
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Portals Student
Portals student is used with portals school , evan- moor s interactive learning system....
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Portuguese English best dictionary - Dicionário Inglês Português
User will be satisfied with this portuguese - english dictionary because: - it has the ...
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Povestea lui Dinţişor
- o poveste cu morala- un joc antrenant- planse de colorattoate acestea intr- un singur...
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Ro: o aplicatie moderna care vine in sprijinul parintilor si ajuta copii sa- si dezvolt...
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Practice Math and Times Tables
Practice math is an educational game to improve your math skills. the game has settings...
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Pre-K Letters and Numbers
Ranked top 25 educational games itunes app store- new noteworthy . . i was impressed...
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Prepware Aviation Maintenance
Comprehensive preparation, study and test tool for the general, airframe, and powerplan...
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Preschool & Kindergarten (SE)
30 interactive educational games for your preschool and kindergarten kids! these games ...
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PrestoBingo Shapes
Learn shapes! brought to you by joyce hesselberth, author and illustrator of the childr...
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Probability Pro
Pop quiz: you flip a fair coin 50 times. what is the probability that it lands on heads...
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Pronunciation Power
Pronunciation power is an easy and effective way to learn the 52 sounds of the english ...
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Protein Purification for iPhone
Lectures and textbooks can cover the theoretical aspects of protein purification and la...
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In diesem programm werden die prozente, rabatte und zinsen dargestellt und k nnen berec...
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PSJ Tuition
Psj tuition app provides outstanding tutoring assistance to fulfil the academic needs o...
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Ya est aqu pupitre! la nueva aplicaci n de santillana para que tus hijos aprendan mient...
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Puppet Pals HD Directors Pass
Star in your own cartoon in this creative, award- winning app! kids and adults alike lo...
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Puzzle - fun for kids 3
A fun puzzle for toddlersthis is a follow up for the popular game puzzle - fun for kids...
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Puzzle Pop HD
The award- winning puzzle pop features unique animated puzzles with characters and anim...
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QCat - Fruit 7 in 1 Games
Qcat 7 in 1 fruit games this is a educational interactive learning games, - 7 different...
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QCat - animal 8 in 1 games
Qcat - 8 in 1 games : animal this is a interactive game it includes 8 games to know the...
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Angļu valoda pieaugušajiem
Metode trai ang u valodas apguveipopul ri v rdi un fr zesefekt vas iegaum anas metodesa...
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Quranic Words Understand Quran
Did you know that only 569 words account for approximately 80 of the total words of the...
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R44 Raven
Gyronimo tim tucker performance padthe flight computer revolution for the robinson r44...
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R44 Raven II
Gyronimo r44 raven ii performance padthe efb flight computer revolution for helicopter ...
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Rat Dissection
Punflay introduces another dissection app - rat dissection for the ipad. back by popula...
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Reading Thai
Do you wish you could read the thai writing that you see every day if you live in thail...
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Real ChalkBoard for iPad
Drawing a realistic chalkboard. feature description full version 1. chalks : switchin...