The virtual manuscript library of switzerland. browse through over 1000 fully digitized...
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eBook Creator
Ebook creator is the simplest and easiest ebook creation application. its interface is ...
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Farm Animals - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]
Preschool to kindergarten readers will enjoy this simple book that introduces seven cha...
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Ferhenga kurdi bi kurd - tirk tirk - kurd ji 50. 000 peyvan p kt . di be a l stik a fe...
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Goodnight ABC iPhone Edition
- ipad paid version is featured by apple in app store essentials - apps for parents - i...
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In questa app tutte le maggiori grammatiche straniere e classiche ideali per chi studia...
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Green Planet 4 Kids
Green planet for kids - rated eco for everyonejoin the eco family as they learn everyda...
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Happy Baby Video Song Box for Preschool Kids Music
Carefully designed for babies, toddlers and children of all ages, this application is a...
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Kindergarten math & reading learning kids games
Now with free printable worksheets, money monsters and new fun videos! featured by t...
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Animal Farm Friends
A sensational story that gets your toddlers learning to count from 1 to 10 ! ! ! free ...
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PlayTales Gold! Kids Books
Parents can save their children s entire interactive library in one app! playtales gold...
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Now you can prepare for the gmat in an ipad iphone app for a fraction of the cost! bas...
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Shortcuts for Photoshop CS6
Every day, hyper geometric content of any user photoshop becomes saturated and harder. ...
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WizIQ Virtual Classroom
The wiziq app for mobile teaching and learning enables teachers and students to conduct...
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ABC 4 Kids Учиться английские
Азбука для детей является все- в- одном приложение для детей от 1 до 7 лет. приложение ...
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Aerosim Checkride A320
The aerosim checkride a320 for ipad, iphone and ipod touch provides pilots with a self-...
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TopIQ Kids Learning Games for Preschool & Kindergarten
Winner of the 2014 family parent choice award winner of the 2014 teacherswithapps a...
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Анимация английски детских песен B
16 анимированных песни дети все ресурсы были установлены локально, то не нужно использо...
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Арабский алфавит - буквы и звуки
В арабском алфавите 28 основных букв. плюс 2 дополнительных знака хамза и та марбута ...
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Дом пазлов Каю
Budge studios представляют: дом пазлов каю! присоединись к каю и его друзьям, чтобы исс...
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CameraSim for iPhone
Learn by doing: camerasim for iphone and ipad shows you how to use your dlsr camera! th...
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китайские числа с trainchinese (Полная версия)
Научитесь читать и использовать китайские числа играючи! примечание: данная версия пр...
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Classes Lite
Classes is a smart schedule for school and university. immediately after starting the a...
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Dr. Mokus Hiragana Mnemonics
Научитесь читать и писать японскую хирагану менее чем за час! читайте отзывы прямо здес...
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Grand Tour Dictionary English
An english language dictionary ios app. contains more than 185 thousand word definition...
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ESL Tests
Were glad to present you unique esl tests, intended to check your english language know...
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Flashgram is a fun way to quiz young children even older ones on their language arts sk...
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French Verbs Trainer
The french verb conjugation trainer is the award winning app that makes mastering frenc...
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Grandpas Workshop
This dancing grandpa and his wacky tools are ready for fun and projects in the workshop...
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FAA ATP Written Test Prep
Spend less time studying and more time flying! this is the faa airline transport pilot ...
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гитара riff pro
Учитесь играть в свои любимые риффы на гитаре электрические 700 песни учиться из разных...
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Иврит за месяц HD
Наше приложение это отличный способ выучить основы иностранного языка быстро и эффекти...
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Hello WaterColor
Hello watercolor is a realistic watercolor painter. it is a good painting tool for kids...
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ISS Spotter
The most downloaded iss spotting app on ios! 5 star rating used by astronauts and ast...
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You can learn japanese katakana for fun. you can enjoy mini game too. lets read, write ...
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Бесплатный кроссворд
Внимание любителям кроссворда: с нашим новым бесплатным приложением вам точно не станет...
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Изучение арабского языка с L-Lingo
Вам не нужно ничего знать об арабском языке, чтобы научиться на нем говорить с l- lingo...
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Изучение немецкого языка с L-Lingo
Вам не нужно ничего знать о немецком языке, чтобы научиться на нем говорить с l- lingo ...
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Изучение хинди с L-Lingo
Вам не нужно ничего знать о хинди, чтобы научиться на нем говорить с l- lingo . l- ling...
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Карточки для финского языка
Voclab поможет вам очень быстро выучить более 5000 финских слов. наш научно обоснованны...
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Learn Hungarian - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning hungarian, but just dont have the time lets face it, not...
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Learn Italian by MindSnacks
One of the best educational apps of the year - apple itunes rewind now learning to sp...
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Learn Swedish - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning swedish, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Learn Thai - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning thai, but just dont have the time lets face it, not ever...
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Learn Traditional Chinese - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning chinese, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Learn Turkish - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning turkish, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Math Animations Pro
Great way to see how math works! - - by greg garner awesomely effective ! an absolutely...
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Move the Turtle. Learn to code
Winner of a parents choice gold award i highly recommend it for...
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Video Touch - Музыка
50 hd клипов с музыкальные инструменты потрясающее удовольствие и для малышей. наша до...
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Музыкальные краски
Музыкальные краски это творческая программа для детей младшего возраста. это развивающе...