Music Sparkles
14 amazing musical instruments inside best selling educational music app more th...
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Learn Italian - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning italian, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Головоломка - забава для детей 2
Пазлы весело! простой и занимательных головоломок для детей с 12 различных головоломок...
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Learn French - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning french, but just dont have the time lets face it, not ev...
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Learn German - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning german, but just dont have the time lets face it, not ev...
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Dress Up Fairy Tale Game
A magical fantasy a fantastic dress up game - completely free packed with 6 different...
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- app store best of 2013 ! - - apple 2012 editors choice, 4. 5 5 148apps, 10 10 app ...
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MoMA Audio
Get new perspectives on modern masterworks and discover contemporary art as curators, a...
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Learn Spanish - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning spanish, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Обучающие карточки для iPad для детей (Лайт)
Обучающие карточки для ipad - это коллекция замечательных обучающих приемов и игр для д...
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AlphaBaby Play
Alphababy play is the perfect first app for your toddler for the iphone, ipod touch, an...
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Dog Sounds
Dog sounds can help users to quickly identify the various breeds of dogs. see and hear ...
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iWriteWords Lite
Iwritewords lite, the preview version of iwritewords, is created to help you make a bet...
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ABC - Magnetic Alphabet Lite for Kids
Play with your kids and teach them to write with the magnetic alphabet! its the ipad ed...
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Pocket Universe
Now with ar views and stereographic images for headsets! theres never been a better tim...
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Exam Vocabulary Builder with AccelaStudy®
Using accelastudys intuitive flashcard- like approach on your iphone, ipod touch, and i...
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German FREE 24/7 Language Learning
Learn or refresh your german, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. 24 7 ger...
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Speed Anatomy Lite (Quiz)
How fast can you point to your liver or gall bladder do you know the difference between...
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Christmas Fun – Holiday Spirit Activities & Fun!
Enjoy lovable christmas songs and exciting educational christmas games the largest coll...
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Mашинки для детей: Грузовики и автобусы HD Lite
Интерактивные транспорт для детей! играть с ними, как с литой моделиэто приложение соде...
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Awesome Xylophone
Virtual xylophone application for ipod touch, iphone, and ipad! - no advertisement. - h...
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Learn Japanese Essentials - AccelaStudy®
Accelastudy is the award- winning language education software for iphone, ipod touch, a...
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ShapeBuilder Preschool Puzzles
From the creators of the hit, award winning, ipad app drawing pad! shapebuilder educate...
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Friendly Puzzles - Interactive Shapes for Kids
- - 20 fantastic tangram puzzle games for children - - use basic shapes to make anima...
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Rainbow Cars - Learn Colors
Learn colors counting through magical colorful cars it s willy wonka meets cars in a ...
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FlipCards Pro
Flipcards это приложение, созданное для улучшения процесса тренировки памяти и изучени...
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Grammar Up: Phrasal Verbs Lite
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a...
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Learn British English - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning english, but just dont have the time lets face it, not e...
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Grammar Up
News highlights: apple has selected grammar up for high school survival guide grammar u...
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Super Shape Puzzles
- - fantastic animated puzzle game for children - - learn vocabulary while playing wi...
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Вы хотите выучить новый язык языковые интернет- курсы speakit сделают изучение языков н...
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Learn Turkish Essentials - AccelaStudy®
Accelastudy is the award- winning language education software for iphone, ipod touch, a...
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Get up close and personal with animals that are just like the real thing! with this app...
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Океан Книжка-раскраска!
Бесплатно в течение короткого периода времени. скачайте это приложение прямо сейчас хо...
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Baby Flash Cards : 500+ Words
Building a strong first words vocabulary has never been so exciting for preschoolers an...
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IQ boost
Ign rated iq boost an 8 10 impressive http: www. ign. com articles 2008 10 06 iq- boos...
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A+ FlashCards Free
The most efficient way to create and memorize new words, idioms, terms or any other typ...
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My First Book of Alphabets HD
My first book of alphabets is colorful and interactive approach for learning letters an...
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Opposites 1
Opposites противоположности помогает развивать у детей важные познавательные навыки: ...
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Curious George: Zoo Animals for iPad
Reached 1 in the education category! an app store hall of fame inductee! curious george...
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Italian FREE 24/7 Language Learning
Learn or refresh your italian, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. 24 7 it...
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Kids Paint
A multitouch painting app for kids with random brush sizes and colors! once you start t...
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Kids Song Machine FREE
Welcome to the kids song machine experience, where little ones can sing- along and inte...
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Storycorps mission is to preserve and share humanity s stories in order to build connec...
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TenguGo Kana Hiragana Katakana
Hiragana and katakana are the alphabets used in the japanese language. this app has eve...
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My first puzzles HD
Kids from 2 to 6 will have fun solving their first puzzles. with 14 different puzzles, ...
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Baby First Words - Lite
Baby first words это уникальное интеррактивное пособие для малышей, которые только учат...
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Math Magic
Don t you just love how much your child has improved in adding, subtracting, multiplyin...
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Maze Game 2
Несложный лабиринт для малышей. прекрасный способ для развития способностей вашего ребе...