Официальное приложение для клиентов международной сети школ юниоркод. с его помощью вы ...
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Jurafuchs: Jura lernen
Neue juristische wochenschrift - wir sind ganz angetan: das ist jedenfalls lernen mit ...
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Learn Armenian Alphabet Now
Armenian alphabet now will help you learn to read and write the armenian alphabet. the ...
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Числа на английском языке
Английский язык является самым популярным и востребованным языком в современном мире. и...
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Na ponta da língua
Seis l nguas, seis maneiras de se comunicar: ingl s, espanhol, franc s, alem o, italian...
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Mpirical telecoms training presents netx, the industry s first fully interactive networ...
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Openwho is whos interactive knowledge- transfer platform offering online courses to imp...
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Pattern Shapes, by MLC
Students use pattern shapes to explore geometry and fractions, creating their own desig...
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Peace TV Network
24- hours islamic tv channel broadcasting free to air state- of- the- art tv programmes...
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Quran IQ: Arabic Learning App
Quran majeed arabic learning applearn quran, pronounce and understand al quran arabic ...
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Ready Set Dial
Ready set dial! helps cover the basics of both phone usage and safety with a working ph...
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Спасение белого медведя
Из- за глобального потепления белый медведь оказался на грани вымирания, и сможет спаст...
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Scania Truck for LEGO
Build this scania truck using our building instructions. these instructions are clear a...
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SchoolMouv - Collège et lycée
Tous nos cours sont conformes au programme et la r forme du bac ! tu es coll gien tou...
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Tassomai is an intelligent online learning program helping students from 7 to 17 achiev...
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TCP Commander
Tcp commander - the application created for testing and debugging of systems that use c...
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TCP ModBus
Tcp modbus - the application created for testing and debugging of systems supporting tc...
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Teen & Adult Phonics Library
The teen and adult phonics tap library offers a collection of sequential, decodable dig...
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Universiteit Leiden
The indispensable app for leiden university students. this app gives you instant access...
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USAL App Universidad Salamanca
A trav s de la aplicaci n oficial de la universidad de salamanca, estar s siempreconect...
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Vocab Tool
Maximize your vocabulary and minimize your learning time. vocab tool will teach you wor...
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Vocabulary builder: Vocab Word
Mastering the steps to a powerful vocabulary! features super easy to use for all ages i...
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Воспитанный Малыш Панда
Когда приходят гости, нужно сказать здравствуйте . когда вам кто- то помог, нужно побла...
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Изучаем алфавит с пандой
Давайте учиться! пришло время изучения английского для детей ! лучший способ выучить ан...
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3D Horse Anatomy Software
The 3d horse anatomy app lets you explore a detailed three- dimensional model of a hors...
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Большой энциклопедический словарь
Большой энциклопедический словарь универсальный однотомный энциклопедический словарь, ...
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Ielts Skill Speaking - Writing
Ielts skills: free provides samples that content each ielts skills app including readin...
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JFK Moonshot
Using the latest in augmented reality technology, we immerse users into 1969 with a ful...
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Earth Hero: Climate Change
Earth hero makes acting on climate change easy. it helps you take positive practical ac...
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Freddi Fish 1: Kelp Seeds
Freddi fish 1: the case of the missing kelp seedsjoin detective freddi fish and her bes...
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Putt-Putt Saves The Zoo
It s the grand opening of the cartown zoo, but all the baby animals are missing! putt- ...
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Just a line - 1 line drawing
This is an classic one drawing game. our mission is drawing a shape or contour without ...
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The uindy app brings the university of indianapolis campus to your fingertips and enabl...
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игры звуки животных
Милые звуки животных и картинки животных - это одна из лучших игр о животных, в которой...
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Draw with Math
Practice your math skills while playing with friends and family! draw with math lets pl...
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How to Draw Little Princess on Sketch Line
Рисунок принцессы на линии эскиза на iphone и ipad. изучите рисунок и окраску для детей...
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Пони Книжка-раскраска - Занятия для детей
Пони раскраски для детей. бесплатная игра для малышей, детей, мальчик, девочка или дете...
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Малыша Обучения Игры Ask Me Color & Shape Games
Пойте вместе с броским рифмы и пальца ноги музыку, как вы научитесь определять свои цве...
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Спросите меня, Цвета Дошкольное и детский
Пойте вместе с броским рифмы и пальца ноги музыку, как вы научитесь определять свои цве...
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Правда или ложь игра в кости
Кости 5! правда или ложь простая игра! хорошо для мозга! 6 уровней сложности режим тр...
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Logical Elements Puzzle
To win this stylish, minimalistic puzzle game, all you need to do is light up all the t...
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Галактические войны
Двое забавных инопланетных уч ных - сыны более совершенной и разумной цивилизации - зад...
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Purple Pink Summer Beach
Purple pink the bunny and papo friends are on a vacation. the food are delicious! not t...
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Robomaker Start
Descrizione principale the robomaker kit was created to guide you on an educational jou...
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Learning a second language, especially english as an international language has benefic...
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BoneBox™ - Dental Pro
Bonebox - dental prooverviewbonebox - dental pro is a real- time 3d dental education an...
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BoneBox™ - Spine Viewer
The bonebox spine viewer is a real- time 3d medical education and patient communication...
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Dry Needling Guide
Dry needling appdry needling guide is now avalaible as a free version with 12 muscles a...
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EULAR School app
Purpose of the eular school of rheumatology is to combine all its educational offers, f...