Английский русский - Общие фразы
С более чем 300000 общих фраз на английском и итальянском языках был написан родной чел...
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Leaving Cert Points
This is a simple app which can be used to calculate 2017 2018 cao points based on leavi...
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Sintelly: Psychology & Emotion
Expand your education, get inspired and work on your self- development as you explore o...
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LGV Theory Test UK
Lgv theory test uk uses the latest 2019 dvsa licensed revision question data bank in an...
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Peter Rabbit: Lets Go!
Join peter, benjamin and lily in the magical world of peter rabbit in peter rabbit : le...
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Line Up
Young children will love this app. look at the sequence of men. use the shower and resh...
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Lists for Writers
Lists for writers is a great addition to any writer s toolbox. helpful to both novice a...
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Logo Draw
Logo draw uses aspects of the logo programming language to introduce users to the funda...
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Application pour enfants partir de 2 ans. cest un jeu de labyrinthe tir des exercices ...
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Loughborough Wave Lab
Loughborough wave lab is an educational learning app designed to aid students in their ...
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LSATMax LSAT Prep Courses
Your success is our success. created by the same harvard law school alumni behind barma...
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Macmost is the web site that helps you get the most from your mac, ipod and iphone. it ...
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Marbel : Learn Hijaiyah
Search for marbel for more free educational games! marbel belajar hijaiyah is an educat...
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Marble Math
Solve math problems by collecting numbers as you move your marble through a series of f...
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Marble Math Junior
Solve math problems by collecting numbers as you move your marble through a series of f...
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Sago Mini в Большом Городе
Яркие огни, шумные улицы и высоченные небоскр бы: это sago mini в большом городе! поезж...
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Number Find Lite
Learn mathematics while playing a game. the challenge is to find hidden numbers on a gr...
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Math Game ! !
Sharpen your math skills by using math game ! ! answer each math question by slinging t...
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Math Trainer
Math trainer, a quick and easy way to improve your mental arithmetic. add, subtract, di...
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Maxthon Kids Browser HD
Award- wining and world leading browser company delivers this safe and clean web browse...
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Learn MBA,Finance & Investment
Learn mba, finance and investment from ai driven coach and satisfy your thirst for know...
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Concept maps organize knowledge in the form of a graph of concepts. concepts are repres...
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Mini Adventures - Music
Impressive! i am hard to please but this app blows all the others out of the water. my ...
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Mission Antarctica
Mission antarctica is an ipad application developed as an educational interface for mid...
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Model Me Going Places 2
Model me going places is a great visual teaching tool for helping your child learn to n...
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Monster Hunt - Fun logic game to improve your memory
A brilliantly simple and fun memory improvement game that is great for all ages. a win...
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Montessori Crosswords for Kids
Based on the proven montessori learning method, montessori crosswords helps kids develo...
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Montessori Geometry
Вы задумывались когда- нибудь над тем, зачем вы изучали геометрию в школе montessori ge...
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Motorcycle Theory Test UK
In collaboration with camrider: one of the countrys finest rider training companies! u...
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Lernprogramm f r den aufbau und die festigung des grundwortschatzes. in 40 themen in- a...
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Multiplying Acorns HD
3rd place in the 2011 bestappeverawards - best middle school student app! multiplying a...
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Muslim Kids Series : Hijaiya (Arabic Alphabet)
Fun with arabic alphabet! free for limited time! learning arabic alphabet with fun and...
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MyABC & 123 Lite
Myabc 123 lite is a great learning app for preschoolers and kindergartners to learn ab...
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MyPace Mobile
The mypace mobile app went through a major upgrade this year and we are excited to pres...
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NASA Be A Martian
Experience mars as if you were there yourself! take part in discoveries on the red plan...
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Next Move Quiz
Expand knowledge! practice english! make it fun! solo play, or compete against friends ...
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Ninimaths is an application to train mental arithmetic ability. characteristic: - selec...
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Number Run
Baron von count has stolen the 4 mathemagical crystals of the land. chase him down and ...
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Numbers (Numeral Systems)
Numbers is an application to convert numbers from one numeral system into another. you ...
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NZ Driving Theory Test
With all the great feedback and reviews we have received since we first launched in 201...
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Draw variety of figures by writing one line mathematical formula. with over 20 examples...
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Chess Openings by ChessOpenings.com
Companion app for chessopenings. comcheck out video explanations for all the major ches...
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Lava Land: Hot Place for Water
Play with fire, lava and water. this app is a simple physics toy with lava, water and s...
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The Cute Ones
The cutest group you have ever seen is here to teach kids. music and interactive games ...
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OU Anywhere
Ou anywhere is an app for open university students studying an ou qualification you wil...
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Reading Adventure Level 2
Welcome to the world of english reading adventure series. this app is the second of 7 l...
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Painting 4 Fun HD - Coloring Book
The biggest coloring book for children najwi kszy zbi r obrazk w do kolorowania dla dzi...
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Park Math - by Duck Duck Moose
Award- winning park math teaches early math concepts based on common core state standar...
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ParseGreek - Greek Quizzing
From the makers of fl shgr k rs gr k is designed to help students of new testament gr...