Learn Portuguese for Beginners
Learn how to speak portuguese with lessons, courses, audio, activities and quizzes, inc...
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Lectures faciles CLE International
Cette application propose une collection de lectures en fran ais facile compos e de fic...
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ALIBRA KIDS – Английские слова
В приложении вы найдете программы для изучения английской лексики: alibra kids для дет...
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Entourage Link
Link by entourage yearbooks provides an easy way to view, contribute, and manage your y...
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English Listening Skills
English listening practice daily, english listening ted talk, english listening audio, ...
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Princesses Learn Chinese
A solidly made app with a lot of great content - digital storytime. selected in the pas...
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Schooltas biedt leerlingen en docenten in po, vo en mbo de boeken van 10 verschillende ...
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Three Little Pigs: The Wolfs Story - LAZ Reader [Level O–second grade]
Second grade readers will enjoy this retelling of the em the three little pigs em told ...
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Adaptibar online mbe simulator and prep, launched in 2003, leads the industry as the on...
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Деловой английский (Видеокурс)
Деловой английский - видеокурс для должностных лиц, секретарей и деловых людей использ...
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CSCP Pocket Prep
Pocket prep is your award- winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. pocket...
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Theta Music Trainer
Theta music trainer is a complete set of courses and games designed to improve your mus...
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Doceri Interactive Whiteboard
Combining screencasting, desktop control, and an interactive whiteboard in one app, you...
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Nursery Rhymes by Dave & Ava
Watch all dave and ava videos for free on youtube youtube. com daveandavadave and ava ...
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Детская Гитара
Пусть ваш реб нок позабавится звуками разных гитар ! играйте песни вместе с ним ! детск...
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Choir Trainer
This app is for training on sight singing, the ability to read and sing music on sight....
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Autoškola Testy 2021
V me, e u en na testy do auto koly m e b t i z bava, ale ostatn dostupn aplikace n s ...
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Love at first Hiragana
Это приложение можно изучать японский хирагана app kore wa hiragana o be...
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История России от Рюрика до Путина
Перед вами электронная версия двухсторонней исторической карты россии. издание было под...
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Vacuum Saturation and Porosity
Цель приложения познакомить студента с процессом насыщения образцов керна пластовой во...
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Apprendre à Lire - Syllabique
Gratuit et complet pour apprendre lire. plusieurs dizaines de milliers denfants utilis...
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Звуки животных: обучающая игра
Почему кошечка говорит мяу, а собака в ответ смотрит с недоумением потому что они говор...
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Pocket Hands
Do you play poker are you advanced player or just join the poker community and plays yo...
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IQ4 - Brain Training, Brain Games, Memory Games
- iq4 helps you to improve memory, iq, cognition, creativity, speed reading ability by ...
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Robot School. Programming For Kids - FREE
Robot school. programming for kids is a programming game suitable for children aged 7 a...
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Reading Ninja - The Learn To Read Slicing Game
Fun for the kids and great for learning to read. everyone wins. - jen, kindergarten te...
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A+ Spelling Test
If you want your kid to be a better speller, then download this app now! with this app ...
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Abby Animals - First Words Preschool Free HD
A title from our extremely successful series - - all six ! ranked 1 app for kids on ap...
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First Words 7+2 · Early Reading A to Z, TechMe Letter Recognition and Spelling (Animals, Colors, Numbers, Shapes, Fruits) - Learning Alphabet Activity Game with Letters for Kids (Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st Grade) by Abby Monkey®
67 off sale - today: august 19- 31, 2017 developed by an award- winning education st...
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Shape Puzzle learning games for Toddler Kids free
Developed by an award- winning education studio, 22learn, the creator of the best- sell...
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ABC 123 Reading Writing Practice
Вы уверены, что, как написать алфавит а как насчет вашего ребенка abc 123 чтение письм...
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ABC 123 чтение письменность практика HD
Вы уверены, что, как написать алфавит а как насчет вашего ребенка abc 123 чтение письме...
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ABC Alphabet Puzzles for Kids
Abc alphabet puzzlesengaging imaginary worlds help children aged between two and five l...
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Virtual Viscometer
Симулятор ротационного вискозиметра. благодаря этой программе вы можете освоить принцип...
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ABC Circus- Alphabet&Number Learning Games kids
9 games play, tap, trace, match and print with a- z, a- z and 0- 10. each letter and n...
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Learn the alphabetic principle. develop phonemic awareness. learn how sounds relate to ...
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ABC MÁGICO Abecedario
Learn the sounds of the spanish alphabet. get ready to read spanish! aprendan los sonid...
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Dino Park AR+
Slam- powered augmented mixed reality experiencesummon the gate to your present reality...
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Spelling magic 3 can help your child s future reading success. spelling magic 3 focuses...
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Заботливые мишки школа
Заботливые мишки: веселая учеба - детское приложение для веселого обучения заботливые м...
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Автомобильные игры для детей
Vkids vehicles is an interactive puzzles app game which is created for little fans of v...
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ACS Mobile
Acs mobile provides readers with a searchable, multi- journal, up- to- the- minute live...
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Africa - Connect the dots for kids
This app is suitable for children 2 to 6 years old. learn to count and have fun at the ...
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Alberta Driver Test Prep
Top choice! award by appcrawlr spend only a few hours studying and pass your alberta dr...
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All English Dictionary
Type in a word and search all english dictionaries simultaneously. dictionaries- urban...
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Alpha-Zet: Animated Alphabet from A to Z Free
Alpha- zet, the animated alphabet that goes beyond abc. featuring all- original illustr...
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Amazing Coin (USD) Dollar
No. 1 coin learning games for kids! 270, 000 educational purchased by schools around th...
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Ancient Greek
From the makers of spqr - the app stores most advanced app for latin students and teach...
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Пазлы животными для детей
Веселый пазл для младенцев и детей 1- 6 лет с 26 милыми мультяшными животными корова, ...