The mk61 application is an advanced programmable rpn calculator. it has powerful featur...
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Motorcycle Theory Test UK Lite
In collaboration with camrider: one of the countrys finest rider training companies! 20...
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NASA Desert RATS Virtual Test Site
The desert rats virtual test site is a 3- d environment that combines nasa models with ...
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NauticEd Sailing
This nauticed sailing education app is fully interactive with your online account. take...
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New York DMV Permit Test
Explanation for every question you do wrong spend only a few hours studying and pass yo...
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Niki Talk
Give a voice to your child. augmentative and alternative communication. easy to use, it...
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Noodle Words
Through interactive play, our set of 18 active words come to life as the noodle bugs de...
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Notes! - Learn To Read Music
Over 99000 purchased! people love notes because its easy and it works. this basic flash...
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Video Language Repeater
The software achieves video interception and replay function. - support wifi, photo alb...
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Phonetics Focus HD
Winner of the english- speaking union president s award 2011 british council eltons awa...
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Even and Odd Polynomials
A powerful learning aid to help students prove algebraically whether a polynomial funct...
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Portuguese Verb Conjugator Pro
View over 700 portuguese verbs in 18 tenses. with simple navigation and built in search...
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Phonics ABC: Preschool Learn
Children love to play games, educational games that will keep your preschool and kinder...
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Принцесса Камилла
Это яркое утро в королевстве fun, и принцесса камилла готов учиться вместе с вами! помо...
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Quadratic Master
Quadratic master is the best app for solving and learning quadratic equations, inequati...
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Quiz Patente B
Quiz patente b - la migliore applicazione per esercitarsi sui quesiti ministeriali del...
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Quiz Patentino
Quiz patentino lunica applicazione per ios che ti consente di vedere tutte le risposte...
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Sage Math
A simple interface to the sage computer algebra system. through sage it provides access...
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School Psychology Exam Lite (Free Questions)
Free practice questions for the national school psychology exam. multiple choice questi...
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Die schul- app mit den meisten funktionen im appstore! f r sch ler, eltern und studente...
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Sensory Magma
Магма представляет собой простой, успокаивающее, расслабляющее визуальные приложения. м...
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Секс Квиз
Ты считаешь себя экспертом в области секса думаешь, лучше тебя никто не разбирается в т...
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Slader Homework Answers
Slader: all your textbook homework, solved. have you ever stared at a blank piece of pa...
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Shapes - Обучение 3D Геометрии
Узнай, учи и исследовай различные типы 3d тел и помоги студентам понять геометрию прият...
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Speater (Smart Repeater)
Do you want to watch movie over and over again do you like listening music, podcast rep...
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SpectrumView Plus
Spectrumview plusvisualise, in real time, the frequencies that you can hear around you ...
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Vocabularyspellingcity appimprove reading comprehension and vocabularythis app is desig...
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SQL Primer
1970 e. f. codd has started a revolution with his paper a relational model of data for ...
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StickyStudy Chinese
The only flashcard app youll ever need to make serious progress in your chinese studies...
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English Dictionary : Offline
English dictionary offline welcome to english dictionary - the easiest way to learn e...
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Study Japanese for iPad
A complete reading, writing and audio study application to learn the japanese phonetic ...
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100 American Words
Learn how to pronounce 100 widely used english words. научитесь произносить 100 наиболе...
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Sums Stacker
Sums stacker is one of a series of challenges included in the award winning math doodle...
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TalkEnglish Offline Version for iPad/iPhone/iPod
This is the official talkenglish. com offline iphone ipad app. there are over 800 lesso...
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Teach Me: French
The easiest and fastest way to become fluent in french! start now! expand your vocabula...
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A+ Teachers Aide
Grading both weighted and total points options drop lowest or drop specific gradesatten...
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Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen
This is a vocabulary- building app, which will help your child practice early literacy ...
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Touch and Move! Service Vehicles (for young children) - Educational Apps Free
This intellectual educational application for young children up to 6 years old builds a...
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Galinha Pintadinha
O app oficial da galinha pintadinha tem m sicas, hist rias, jogos e tudo que seu filho ...
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Chinese Writer (Полная версия)
Chinese writer поможет вам легко овладеть написанием более чем 5 300 китайских иероглиф...
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Учи каталанский - EuroTalk
Начните говорить на новом языке и ощутите результат сразу же. в приложении utalk classi...
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Учи киргизский - EuroTalk
Начните говорить на новом языке и ощутите результат сразу же. в приложении utalk classi...
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Word Magic Lite
Word magic lite is a free version of word magic. word magic lite is fully functional ve...
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Kids app review rating 4. 7 5. 0 1. new teaching methods for children2. wonderful inte...
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ISTQB Exam Preparation
Our istqb exam prep application provides training with randomly generated questions for...
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Write with me in Arabic
Write with me in arabic offers tracing the arabic letters in all forms: start , middle ...
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7Sage LSAT Prep
Join over 100, 000 students who have chosen to study for the lsat with 7sage. want a hi...
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Language Share - Language exchange community
With language share you can make new friends and connect with other language learners f...
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iWonder AR
Iwonder ar is a ar application for express publishing book for learning english. scan y...