Lakewood School District
The official lakewood school district app gives you a personalized window into what is ...
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Toca Doctor HD
Веселые головоломки и миниигры для детей от трех лет подари своему ребенку возможеость ...
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Приложение для детей - игры
Добро пожаловать в приложение для детей, обучающую и вместе с тем веселую логическую иг...
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Животные - ZOOLA
Zoola - входной билет для вашего реб нка в забаву обучения с животными. это приложение ...
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Bamba Ice-Cream - Kids run an Ice-Cream Shop and make their very own Candied Chocolate Waffle Sundae Cone
Join 2 million bamba customers - kids learn through play with bamba! its every kids f...
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Французский за месяц Free
Наше приложение это отличный способ выучить основы иностранного языка быстро и эффекти...
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Бамба Пицца
Позвольте своему ребенку стать самым прикольным пиццером! выберите и украсьте свою собс...
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Огород Dr. Panda
Вспашите, посадите, полейте и соберите урожай в огороде dr. panda! принимайте заказы от...
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Пираты! - Приложение для Детей
Захватывающее путешествие по неизведанным морям жд т самых смелых и отважных. увлекател...
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Англо русский словарь Collins
Попробуйте бесплатнополный список слов, 100 наиболее популярных статей и полный функцио...
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Magic Coloring Picture Book
From the hit tv channel, babyfirst, comes the perfect art app for toddlers! even the yo...
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Bitsboard Flashcards & Games
- top 5 education game in the us app store- study almost anything for free across 25 ad...
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LMS Школа. Классный журнал
Приложение lms школа. классный журнал разработано для современных российских преподават...
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iCrosss Lite
Icrosss lite является бесплатной версией уникального, популярного образовательного прил...
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Азбука АБВГДейка для детей
Красочная азбука, увлекательная мини- игра, режим рисования букв и песенка караоке, раз...
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Distant Suns(max)
2013 finalist in the family category of tabtimes best tablet app contest distant suns i...
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Транспорт пазлы для малышей
Замечательная коллекция головоломок и много транспортных средств для малышей и детей. в...
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Skritter Китайский
Изучено более 450 миллионов лексических единиц! пусть искры сыплются из глаз и чернила ...
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Symbolic Calculator
The perfect tool for students, teachers and engineers, built on an extremely powerful a...
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Coloring Book for Kids! Lite
Unique coloring book app for children with the following features: select from 12 colo...
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StickyStudy Japanese JLPT
The only way id be more satisfied with this app is if it could just transmit the info d...
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Learn Italian - Molto Bene
Molto bene is the award- winning app that makes learning italian simple and fun! quick...
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Formula Calc+
1. this calculator can be calculated by inputting the formula unlike a usual calculator...
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Human Japanese | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™
Ready to learn japanese meet your personal sensei- in- a- box. human japanese presents ...
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iMathematics™ Pro
Imathematics is your personal math tutor. it is used by thousands of students every day...
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123 Циферки – развивающая игра для детей
Ты даже не заметишь, когда твой реб нок научится считать от 1 до 10! эта замечательная ...
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Kids Zoo
Kids zoo is a fun and educational game that teach young players the different animals i...
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App Ville - iPhone and iPad Magazine for iOS Developers and Publishers
The ios app store is officially a mature market ecosystem. now you can build a business...
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Hadeeth of Hope & Forgiveness ( Islam Quran Hadith )
This application provides a collection of the sayings of prophet muhammed peace be upon...
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American Presidents
American presidentsthis app contains comprehensive collection of material about the pre...
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Note: this is the ads supported version of the asl application for iphone platform from...
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Chemistry SAT II Prep Lite
From the creator of sat ii chemistry prep and mcat madness: physical sciences comes che...
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Dem Dancing Bones
Dem dancing bones is a hilarious take on the well known traditional anatomy song! your ...
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Doodlecast Pro Video Whiteboard
Doodlecast pro is the easiest way to create presentations on your ipad. the app records...
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Ear Training Lite
This app is a lite version of our ear training app, an educational tool for musicians t...
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Визуально-звуковые карты Itots "Free"
Карточки itots sight sound в отличие от других являются полностью настраиваемым обучаю...
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Good Grapher Pro - scientific graphing calculator
Good grapher - great and very powerful scientific graphing calculator. it will become y...
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Inspiration Maps VPP
Welcome to inspiration maps , the most intuitive and powerful visual learning app on th...
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Know India: Quiz
Where is indias satellite launch- pad located at from where does veeru propose basanti ...
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Learn ABC & 123 HD
Educational app with 7 games and 3 levels of difficulty each. these are the educational...
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Learn Italian Audio FlashCards
Learn over 5, 000 italian words. yes, thats right, 5, 000! and each and every one with ...
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Your child learned the alphabet. what are you going to do next here is the educational ...
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Lovely baby fruit match and knowledge game FREE
Lovely baby match is a game together with intelligence exploiting, acknowledge, learnin...
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Would you like to ace your next test on quadratic functions parabola tells you everythi...
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Russian Alphabet QuickRef
Russian alphabet quickref is a fun and simple russian alphabet reference tool, which al...
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Russian Bingo
Play this game and brush up on your russian! learn vocabulary: words in and around the ...
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Sign Smith ASL LITE
Sign smith asl lite is perfect for learning greetings and basic words. with 20 signs av...
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Wordglide makes learning new english words a breeze. got some time to kill fire up word...
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123 Tracer and more Lite Free - counting, number games, math for kids
Please try our new free appphonics - abc and words featues...
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This is a light version for ipad. this engaging game is specially designed for preschoo...