Super Glyph Quest

Super Glyph Quest

от Alexander Trowers
Цена: 299.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 1.063 от 22 октября 2014 Язык: Русский Размер: 135.2 Мб Возраст: 9+ Официальный сайт:

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4.03 (1) AppStore: 4.00

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Super Glyph Quest - Official iOS Trailer

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Отзывы о приложении Super Glyph Quest (1)

  • Drekolie Drekolie, 24 апреля 2019 в 04:37:47   # It works reasonably well until the end when some grinding becomes necessary to beat an enemy that restores health, is resistant to debuffs, summons spongey sidekicks and always performs a blinding move rendering half the board invisible while also dealing considerable damage at the same time. They can still be beaten but only through sheer luck, because the grind does not guarantee victory. Also, adding glyphs to a spell for increased damage can result in a “null” spell for some reason — an annoying little bug.

    The original Glyph Quest, on the other hand, while polished logic-wise lacked balance at endgame when the player could deal with anything that got thrown at them. Here’s to hoping the next game comes out just right!

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