от Kaigan Games OÜ
Цена: 449.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 2.5.1181 от 23 апреля 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 2.3 Гб Возраст: 12+

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  • Dasha rem Dasha rem, 29 апреля 2021 в 19:36:05   # I don’t know if you understand Russian, so I’ll write in English, sorry for possible mistakes. Ok, it’s really awesome that you’ve made a translation in other languages like Portuguese, Russian, but sometimes I begin to think that you didn’t take it rather seriously because in the process of playing I notice some mistakes in people’s replicas. In Russian, the ending of a verb directly depends on the gender of the noun, that is, if the conversation is from a woman, then the ending will correspond to the female gender, but not the male gender. (Not always, but sometimes I see such mistake). Although, sometimes I can’t understand the meaning of the phrase seen in the “social network”, because in English this phrase sounds normal, but during the translation process the translators most likely did not adapt the phrase to Russian, so the phrase loses all meaning and sounds like nonsense. (this was in “kimera” in sponsored “mind body fitnes”, in Russian the question sounds like crazy nonsense. the question “больные, имеющие слабак для друзей?” in Russian sounds like set of unrelated words. The last thing that looks for me unusual Is that when I should write the correct answer by myself, I must use English keyboard. Why I’m a Russian speaking person, so sometimes it can be really annoying. but these are just minor flaws that do not affect the gameplay, the game is actually very cool, it can be seen that the developers spent a lot of time and effort to do something worthwhile. Thank you very much for translating the game into Russian, now it’s much easier to play and there is no problem understanding characters phrases, as it was in the first part. we appreciate your work and efforts :) Ответить

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