Santorini Board Game

Santorini Board Game

от Roxley
Цена: 449.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 1.121 от 13 января 2022 Язык: Русский Размер: 466.7 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт:

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4.53 (1) AppStore: 4.50

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Santorini Board Game (by Roxley) IOS Gameplay Video (HD)
Santorini Board Game (by Roxley Games) - board game for Android and iOS - gameplay.

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Отзывы о приложении Santorini Board Game (1)

  • Fatalerr Fatalerr, 29 апреля 2021 в 01:40:59   # The board game is awesome and this app is good as it is a perfect way to play the game in a highly portable variant, vs a friend (local or remote) or a AI or an Internet opponent. It also has some companion/helper features for the real board game.

    The app has a lot of irritating UI/UX flaws though, first of which is that none of the help/tutorial buttons work (I guess, the should open some video(s)? I only see an infinite hourglasses). Most screens/menus/transitions are inconvenient or even misleading. With some difficulties I was able to find a short rules text inside and that is the only help that works, together with a simplest controls tutorial. The same way (i.e. by continually trying every button I saw in order) I was able to find a campaign mode (it’s called Odissey and looks like it is some kind of alternative to a local play when you look at the menu).

    Having spent a lot of effort to make sure the gameplay is functional I think I will be able to live with that and will buy the full Pantheon, but I have to say that I was very doubtful about that in the first hour or two of tryings to figure out what is where.

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